Folder 1: Biographical sketch for the Washington State OX5 Aviation Pioneers Hall of Fame, undated "Air Force Honors Former Boeing Test Pilot Merrill," Boeing News, Novem"Test Pilot Must be Scientist and Engineer, Too," Seattle Times, Decem"Soaring with City's 'No. Marsh, Man of Metal," Air Museum News, January 1981 Photocopies of photographs of Marsh Folder 4: Photographs of Marsh

Marsh Dies," The Kirkland Courier, April 30-Folder 3: Photocopies of notes and drawings regarding Louis Marsh Memorial "Louie Marsh-Man of Metal." Typed drafts of story for Air Museum News, 1980 "Louis S.

Telegrams from Boeing regarding Marsh's retirement, 1946 "Marsh Retires After 28 Years Boeing Service," no source, December, 1945 "20-Year-Man-Marsh," Boeing News, May 1937 Photocopy of photograph of Monomail Folder 2: "Boeing Clipper Lands at Azores on First Flight to Europe," Seattle Star, MaPhotocopies of Boeing News with articles about Marsh, April 1940, July 1941, January 1944 "Local Red Cross Report Reveals Lots of Sewing," no source, 1943 "Local Workers Make Hundreds of Needed Items," no source, undated "Kirkland Benefactor Louis S. The correspondence is concerns Boeing stock owned by Marsh.

Boeing to Marsh regarding stock in the company, 1926, 1928 Correspondence between Marsh and the United States Senate Special Committee to Investigate Foreign and Domestic, Ocean, and Air Mail Contracts, 1933-1934.